Zirconium Coating

Zirconium dental veneer (zirconium veneer), which is an aesthetic dental veneer, is used more than when it was first applied today due to its superior properties. Zirconium porcelain teeth are applications that combine the durability of zirconium, a white metal, with the aesthetics of porcelain teeth. A single tooth coating can be made with zirconium material, or it can also be applied as a dental bridge to fill the missing teeth.


Zirconium dental veneer; It can be used as a coating on a single tooth, or it can be used in bridge construction in cases where one or more teeth are lost. As a single tooth can be covered for reasons such as broken, cracked root canal treatment, this process can be performed for more than one tooth. In case of missing teeth, a dental bridge is applied. Blinds are made by abrading the teeth in the front and back of the empty area. An alternative to a dental bridge can be an implant. You can find information about this under the heading of treatments in the menu section.
State-of-the-art computer aided (CAD/CAM) turning devices are used in the production of zirconium dental veneers. In this way, it is possible to carry out the desired high precision studies. The compatibility of the tooth coating with the teeth and gums is of great importance. An error-free application allows the use of tooth coatings and bridges without problems for years. It should be known that it is a more expensive process compared to other porcelain tooth coatings in terms of price. However, zirconium dental veneer application is a technically sensitive study.

Zirconium teeth give more aesthetic results than metal-supported porcelains.
Zirconium dental crowns have many positive features. This is the reason why it is high in price. As you know, one of the biggest advantages is that it is perfectly compatible with the model prepared with CAD-CAM technology. This application, which requires machine and computer investment, is also expensive because of the reflection of the investment cost on the processes. The important thing is to get the money's worth. Zirconium dental veneer deserves this more than enough.

Since the substructure consists of zirconium element, which is a white metal, in porcelains with zirconium substructure, the mask used can be prepared thinner than the opaque porcelain layer. However, the thinness of the opaque porcelain layer used to hide the infrastructure can be exactly the same as the thickness of metal porcelain if an anatomical cut is made. In such cases, there is no difference between direct metal-based prostheses and zirconium prostheses.
Since zirconium substructures are produced untouched during the process, their compatibility with the tooth is excellent compared to other techniques. In this way, cavities do not occur on the teeth under the veneer.
Porcelain to be applied on a work provided under suitable conditions can always give aesthetic results. It is possible to make porcelain bridges that can be used for 20 years or more with the anatomical rules to be followed during the preparation of the tooth and the sensitivity and the right material that the technician will show during his work.
Since the evaluation and implementation of this will be different for each patient and dental cavity, the doctor’s knowledge and foresights here are very important.
Due to the computer-aided preparation of zirconium-based coatings, very harmonious and beautiful results are obtained.
If you are considering getting a zirconium crown, you can call us without hesitation. If you want to get more information from what is written here and see sample studies, we will be pleased to show you the zirconium dental veneer samples applied in our clinic when you call us and make an appointment.