Endodontic Treatment

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment; It is the treatment of removing the inflamed, infected, decaying or dead part of the thread-like dental pulp in the center of the tooth. Dental pulp and tooth roots have channels that extend towards the bone. In root canal treatment, after local anesthesia, the root canal is treated and the dental pulp is removed, then the pulp chamber and root canals are completely filled and closed to prevent bacteria from entering. This procedure is called root canal treatment.

Endodontics is a specialty of dentistry that deals specifically with the dental pulp and tissues surrounding the root of the tooth. A root canal treatment can be treated by a general dentist or an endodontist. Endodontics are specialist dentists who have received four years of additional specialization training after dental school, focusing only on root canal treatments. General dentists are authorized to apply root canals, but it would not be wrong to say that an endodontist can do the best canal treatment for your tooth. If a correct root canal treatment is not applied, you risk losing that tooth.

How Do You Know If You Need Root Root Canal Treatment?
There are many things that can damage the pulp or nerve of the tooth. Often the patient feels pain or other symptoms that warn him of the need for root canal treatment, but often there are no signs or warnings. The following are common signs that you need root canal treatment.
• Toothache is the most common symptom that indicates teeth need treatment.
• If the tooth is dead and abscessed, the patient may feel pain after eating.
• The tooth may abscess and cause significant swelling in the cheek, chin or throat. It can affect other teeth.
• If the tooth is still alive, the affected person may experience hypersensitivity to hot or cold liquids, ie food.
• The pain may develop into a very severe general headache that may cause the person to forget even what caused the pain in the beginning.

How make is root treatment?

Antalya Root canal treatment is a treatment that can be completed in a single session or in two sessions, depending on the condition of the tooth. The endodontist will take X-rays to see the extent of the infection as a first step. Then, he applies local anesthesia on the infected teeth to be treated. It reaches the pulp and root canals by etching from the tooth surface towards the canal. It clears the infection by killing the nerves by filing by enlarging the root canals with a needle-like canal tool. The patient does not feel any sensation after this stage. After cleaning the area with various chemicals, it fills these gaps of the tooth with rubber given guta percha. If your doctor has a different suspicion about infection, he can call you a week later by making a temporary filling of the molar. After root canal treatment, the pain is temporary and the patient should not eat anything for 2 hours and should avoid cold-hot for 2 days.

Is There an Alternative to Root Canal Treatment?

Saving the natural tooth is the best option for the treatment process, when root canal treatment is not performed, tooth extraction and then with an implant, bridge or prosthesis. These procedures are more expensive than a root canal treatment and often require more time and additional procedures to treat the surrounding teeth and tissues. If a tooth is extracted and not corrected with restoration, chewing function is impaired. In terms of oral and dental health, pulling a tooth should be considered as a last resort.

How long does root canal treatment take?

Depending on the number of root canals of the tooth and the difficulty of the infected tooth, the treatment period takes an average of 1-2 hours.

Does root canal treatment hurt?

Root canal treatment is a procedure performed under local anesthesia. During the treatment, the patient does not feel pain. There may be some pain after root canal treatment, but it is a short-term temporary pain.

How is root canal treatment pain relieved?

As long as root canal treatment is not performed, this pain will not go away. In the advanced stages, if the patient is not treated, it causes tooth decay and tooth loss.

Who is a root canal treatment specialist?

Root canal treatment specialist is a title given to dentists who have specialized in endodontics for 4 years after finishing dentistry.

Pain after root canal treatment?

It is normal to feel pain after root canal treatment. This pain is temporary and completely disappears within 2 days.

How are root canal treatment prices determined?

Root canal treatment prices in Antalya vary depending on the condition of the patient’s tooth, the number of canals in the tooth, and the experience and expertise of the physician.