Dental Implant

Implant Treatment
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root placed in your jaw to hold a tooth or bridge instead of a tooth. Dental implants can be applied as an option for people who have lost their teeth due to periodontal disease, injury or any other reason.
For people who have lost one or more teeth, dental implants provide an effective solution to this problem by acting as a replacement tooth.

Antalya Implant Treatment
Many people living in Antalya may need implant treatment. Antalya Implant Treatment service is among the most applied treatments. Dental implants are an ideal treatment for a more beautiful appearance and comfortable smiles. The appearance of a missing tooth can bother you. This can negatively affect your self-confidence. Our clinic, which provides implant service in Antalya, can help to solve this problem.
Dental implants are permanent and safe. Unlike dentures, they always stay firmly in the mouth. More importantly, it cannot be easily distinguished from natural teeth in terms of appearance. A single dental implant replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root. Also, your bone is better protected this way. Implant procedure is a fast and safe solution method to replace missing teeth or teeth.

A dental implant is a replacement tooth that your dentist will prepare specifically for you. Thus, you can take a big step towards more confident and impressive smiles. At Dentist Yasemin ALEV GÜNAY Dental Clinic, you can safely receive implant treatment in Antalya Konyaaltı at international standards.

What are the Advantages of Dental Implant Treatment?

Oral and Dental Health has become one of the most researched topics in recent years. Especially people who have tooth decay and tooth loss try not to talk too much when they enter the social environment. In the past, there was no treatment that could cure tooth loss or be an alternative. Today, with the developing technology, it has become possible to replace lost and decayed teeth with new ones. Dental Implant; They are replacement tooth roots that are at least as strong as the person’s own tooth root applied to the tooth roots. Recently, many people’s interest in implant treatment has led to some lack of knowledge on this subject. In this article, we will try to give information about dental implant technology along with Antalya implant prices.

Every change in oral and dental health brings great convenience in people’s lives. Advantages of Dental Implant treatment;

1. Perfect Appearance: Before entering the Antalya implant prices section, we would like to give information about the advantages of implant treatment. Implant teeth are exactly like a person’s own tooth. Implant teeth, which have a natural appearance, give the person a perfect appearance and self-confidence.

2. Fluent Speech: People who experience tooth loss generally use dentures. However; Since the prostheses constantly slide in the mouth, it causes you to not use the words correctly. Since implant teeth are a part of your own teeth, they give you the opportunity to speak fluently.

3. Ease of Eating: In dentures etc. You may notice that your teeth are constantly slipping in the mouth, as you cannot taste the food while chewing it. Implant teeth, on the other hand, are no different from your own teeth and provide ease of eating the food you want. Moreover, you can see that they are as strong as your own teeth.

4. Strong Tooth Roots: Your tooth roots are like the roots of a tree. In every tooth loss, naturally, these roots are also lost. When you receive dental implant treatment, your tooth roots are taken into consideration and strengthened.

5. Self-Confidence: We mentioned that tooth loss causes a lack of self-confidence in people. Thanks to the implant treatment, people who have strong teeth feel as if they were born again and are full of self-confidence. Of course, it is not limited to this. Implant treatment completely improves oral and dental health and is a technology that changes your whole life. People who want to learn about Antalya Implant prices can contact us. With our years of experience and knowledge, we fulfill your dreams about oral and dental health.

Your health is paramount when it comes to oral and dental treatments. In this respect, it is a great chance to receive service from a center that fully complies with the hygiene rules and performs the treatments in the most appropriate way by using the latest technologies. Yasemin ALEV GÜNAY Dental Clinic, aware of the importance of hygiene in dentistry, applies high-level sterilization and disinfection. Yasemin ALEV GÜNAY Dental Clinic, which provides service in Konyaaltı, will be the right choice for Antalya implant treatment. The most appropriate applications for implant and other treatment types will be applied by our specialist physician, and all processes will be carried out by prioritizing your satisfaction.

How Is Implant Made?

Since the screw apparatus is involved in the work, implant treatment makes many patients nervous. However, implant treatment, which is a very simple procedure when performed by professional physicians, can also be defined as the treatment of the roots of the missing tooth. In the treatment, the apparatus is attached to the jaw where the missing tooth or the root of the teeth are located. After a certain time, your bone structure starts to grow around the implant. This also helps to retain the implant.

The construction of implant treatment consists of certain stages. The dental test and operation to be performed usually takes place gradually within a few months. We have explained how the implant treatment takes place for you;
1. It is necessary to reach a conclusion about exactly where the implant will be placed. Therefore, you will need a detailed scan and dental x-rays.
2. You need to go through a small operation to place the implant on your teeth. Thanks to the anesthesia to be applied during this operation, you will not feel any pain.
3. You will have a waiting period of several months as your bone grows around the dental implant.
4. When your implant is stable, your dentist will provide a foundation for these new teeth.
5. After a certain time, your dentist will take a complete mold of your mouth to make the artificial teeth.
6. As a final operation, he adds the screws into the tooth foundation of your artificial teeth and applies the bonding process.
7. Since it is a slow process, it will be advantageous for you to stay in constant contact with your dentist while having implant treatment.

Implant Treatment What Should Be Considered After Having It?

After the implant operation, you may experience problems such as bruising, swelling and pain on your face and gums. In addition, you may face certain bleeding in your teeth. If you want your teeth to heal faster and better, you should prefer to eat soft foods after your operation. You may have pain for 2-3 days after the operation. However, most of the time, no pain is felt during this process. No special care is required in implant treatment. It is important to keep your teeth clean by regularly brushing and flossing your artificial and natural teeth. In addition, it is recommended that you have regular examinations.

How long does the implant treatment?

One of the questions that come to the minds of patients who will have implant treatment is “How long does implant treatment take?” is happening. At this point, we can look at the duration of the implant application. When we evaluate it within the scope of this period, the treatment consists of two stages. The first phase of the treatment takes approximately 10-15 minutes in total. The reason for this is that each implant placement time is 3-4 minutes on average. First, the implant should be placed in the jawbone. Afterwards, it is expected that the implants placed between 2 and 9 months will fuse to the jawbone and integrate with the bone. After this process, prosthetic works are attached and the treatment process is completed.

What if the conditions are not suitable; Then how long does the treatment take?

If the conditions of implant treatment are not met or cannot be met due to any condition; The duration of the treatment takes an average of 2 – 3 months longer. In patients whose bone amount is not suitable for the implant, additional bone or graft support procedures are applied.

It is very important in the process after the implant treatment is applied. The question in the minds of people who have implant treatment is as follows; “How long will I feel pain after treatment?”. At this point, you should feel comfortable that there is no pain after implant treatment. However, while the implant treatment is applied, it gives anesthesia to the patients. The patient may feel pain for a few days after the effect of the anesthesia wears off. Since it is a long and gradual process, this process varies from 6 weeks to 9 months. The aches and pains felt during this process are short and temporary. If you have severe pain, any problems may occur in your implant treatment. At this point, it is recommended to consult your treating physician.

Implant Treatment Prices

One of the questions that frequently comes to the minds of patients who will have implant treatment is “What are the prices of implant treatment?”. This subject is being wondered and researched by many people today. Implant treatment, which is described as the treatment method of missing teeth, is known as a treatment method applied to the lost tooth or teeth in the mouth. It is also seen as the closest treatment method to naturalness. The efficiency of the patients from the implant treatment has made this treatment more popular. For this reason, implant treatment prices have become a research topic. Since implant treatment is a gradual treatment method, the price scale also varies a lot according to this situation. Implant treatment prices, which are durable for almost 20 years, can of course be expensive according to different procedures. However, it should not be forgotten that implant treatment is described as a completely long and more treatment. For this reason, it is quite normal for the price scale to be a bit more expensive than other dental procedures.
There are certain situations that will affect implant prices;
1. Number of implants to be applied
2. How many implants will be made is among the conditions that affect the price of the treatment.

Is Implant Treatment Expensive?

We can say that the procedures to be applied in implant treatment determine the price. The price scale of implant treatment can vary considerably from patient to patient. If we give an example of this situation; For example, let’s assume that a patient has 5 teeth that will receive implant treatment. When a different patient comes and is examined, it is determined that he has 3 teeth that will receive implant treatment. Of course, the pricing to be given to these two patients works in a completely different way. There are differences in the number of implants to be applied. For this reason, the patient who has 5 teeth that will receive implant treatment is likely to pay a higher fee.
When evaluating the price, it is important to consider that this treatment is a laborious and long-lasting treatment. In addition, after the implant treatment, you will be able to smile with healthy teeth for a long time.